Tracker Systems: GPS Tracking Innovation

GPS Tracking Experts
Vehicle Tracking | Asset Tracking | Jet Skis & Boats | Temperature Monitoring
The company that became Tracker Systems, Inc. was formed in 1986 to take advantage of new technologies being developed in communications and vehicular systems. The founders of the company had already built a successful chain of retail cell phone stores and started the new company to focus on leading-edge research and development by combining cellular data, internet and later GPS (Global positioning Services). Using a results oriented approach to meeting customer's rapidly developing, complex communications hardware and network service needs. The company quickly grew to be a leading distributor of business communications equipment in the late 1980's.
Over the years, technologies advanced and customer's needs evolved. Eventually, as the company grew, the idea of providing GPS-based vehicle tracking hardware and software services to its customers began to take shape. Valuable experience gained from over twenty years of experience in the cellular phone business and that industry's early foray into the GPS tracking market helped prepare the company to pursue one of the most important innovations in the 21st century – GPS Location Based Services. In 2001, the company changed its name to Tracker Systems, Inc., hired imaginative staff to design software and adapt hardware to receive GPS data, process it in the vehicle and, transmit the GPS coordinates in real-time via national cellular networks to web-based servers for access by its local South Florida customers. As the internet matured into a reliable and ubiquitous communications medium, the company transitioned its tracking platform from client-based PC-centric software to a web-based one. In 2007, after several more years of design, experimentation, testing, and programming, a web-based software tracking platform was launched. This enabled incredible flexibility to Tracker Systems and its customers. Now, enhancements to the tracking software could easily be made by making changes to one web-site with those changes instantly propagating to all its customers throughout the US, Canada and Mexico.
Today, its teams of dedicated professionals are proud to offer the best, easiest to use tracking service at the lowest cost. However, work is never finished at Tracker Systems. New products and enhancements to existing ones are constantly being developed, refined, tested and offered to the market. The ideas and input of current customers are used to create the cutting edge new services Tracker Systems' professionals are working on today like our FleetTracker AVL Nimble GPS platform with high speed land-based and satellite based communications. With a commitment to Customer Service that is unmatched and a core belief that the customer comes first, and Tracker Systems' quality products and low prices, the growth sustained over the years is sure to continue.